Test project in WebTA

What is a test project?

A test project is a very small website translation project. It is required for all translators to do before starting to work on the real projects by paying customers.

What is the purpose of doing a test project?

You will learn how to use our Web Translation Assistant, the translation software you’ll use to do the website translation work in the system. A test project will introduce you to different features and capabilities of the program and allow you to clarify any questions, before committing to a schedule of a live project.

During your work on the test project, you are encouraged to ask questions. Just open a new issue and we would be glad to walk you through the system.

How do I get started on a test project

You need to have a Translator’s account in ICanLocalize. If you don’t have one, sign up now.

After logging in to your new account, you’ll see a checklist for completing your account setup. To work on live projects, you need to complete all this list. However, to start doing a test project, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Select languages to translate from and Select languages to translate to in order to select your working language pairs. The system will ask to prove your skills in every selected language. A supporter will then review your application and approve it accordingly. This will be required for working on the live projects and to do your test project.
  2. Go back to My account and click on the link Do basic training. The system will create a project for you.
  3. Click on the link Do a test project on the left sidebar of your Projects page under the WebTA Help heading. This will redirect you to the WebTA tool.
  4. When you start Web Translation Assistant for the first time it will ask you to log in to your account. Use the same email and password you use to sign up to ICanLocalize.
  5. Translate your project as described in this general guide on working in WebTA.

I’m done, now what?

When your test project is finished you can start doing live projects. Check your Open Work section for the new jobs.