Planned Vacations

Your clients should know if you will not be available when they need you. Clients who selected you to translate their iPhone application, for instance, may send you new strings to localize from time to time. Applications usually update and clients may also add new functions or buttons to them.

So if you have planned some vacation, it is a good idea to let eveybody know beforehand. Letting other users see when you are not around and when you will be back is very simple:

  1. Go to My Account. Scroll down to ‘Planned vacations’
  2. Click on ‘add a new planned vacation’
  3. Enter the dates for the beginning and ending of your vacation
  4. Click on ‘Create’


It may be awkward for clients to send messages or translation work to you and get no reply. Now all system users will know when you will not be available.

At the bottom of the page, you have two options: click on ‘List of vacations’ to see details of all your planned vacations  or click on ‘Go back to your account’.

We recommend that you get in touch with your clients before you go and give them time to prepare. Your clients may be able to send material for translation earlier or perhaps they don’t mind the delay. The important thing is to communicate and allow the client time to respond.

Note: Clients will see the alert only when the vacation time is already in progress.