Document projects

What is a document project?

A document project is a type of project where the client uploads a document –doc, docx, xls, ppt, etc.- and needs to receive it back localized in that same exact format.

Before applying

Before applying on any project, please carefully read the description provided by the client. Then download the document and make sure you have the necessary skills and competence to successfully translate the project. You will also need to check the project deadline and make sure you have in your calendar enough time to dedicate to that project (for translation and review of your work). A very important factor in any document project is the number of words. Clients will input their budget estimate, but in order to apply for a reasonable price, you have to know the exact number of words the project encompasses. Open the document and check thr total word count  or ask the client before applying.

During translation

Should you have any questions, doubts or issues during the translation of the project, use the chat system to communicate directly with the client. The process is collaborative and clients will appreciate you asking for complementary information, thus showing your attention to details and that you care.


Once you have successfully translated and reviewed the project, upload it as attachment in the chat system and declare the work as complete. Please, remember that while there may be a reviewer assigned to the project, you have to pay great attention to your translation. Make sure you avoid making spelling and grammar errors and that you’re translating within the context of the project.

You can always use the chat session with the client to clarify any issues related to content or context you may have. Clients appreciate getting questions as it means the translator is doing his/her work conscientiously and does not translate the concepts that are not clear or lack context. Clients will feel that they are dealing with an actual human translator and that the result will be of the best quality possible.


Payment for document projects are not instant. Once you have sent the document back to the client, we will allow 7 days after system deadline or your upload (the actual date your work has been delivered to the client) for the client to declare your work as complete and release payment to you.

Important note

Whether a project will be reviewed by one of your colleagues on ICanLocalize or by an independent reviewer the client hires, please make sure you review your work before sending it back to the client.

If the project is reviewed by another ICanLocalize expert, payment will then be made within 7 days of overall completion.